An open platform for sharing information about bloodwork.
Queering Vamps operates on a global scale, seeking to maintain an intersectional critical approach, embracing transfeminist, antispecist, and antiracist stance.

Taking on an affirmative critical posthumanist perspective, Queering Vamps aims to favour imaginaries of care, distributed power/agency, and collectivity.

Any transhumanist approach which seeks to improve human capacities within an anthropocentric worldview will be rejected.

To build mutual aid, collaboration, and strengthen blood knowledges through hacking, research, and education.

Queering Vamps seeks to eschew existing hegemonic institutions and organizations and instead adopt a โ€œdo it togetherโ€ (DIT) approach, founded on collectives capable of imagining emancipatory technologies and systems, including with accessible or unsophisticated materials that fit into everyday lives.

Anywhere. Queering Vamps is based entirely online. Register and log in whenever you have any doubts or something new to share.

Moreover, updated information about workshops, talks, resources will appear on the website.

Anyone can register, follow and post in the subforums, with a name or anonymously.

Make y(our) kin from all over the world, challenging the information-body entanglement and asking (y)oursleves about an epistemological shift throughout queering knowledge.
>> what

>> why

>> where

>> who